Not a member of Pastebin yet? DEBU0265 Setting bridge mac address to 02:42:8f:50:4b:fc DEBU0265. Connect to Docker Daemon (running on port 2375). Note use unencrypted only in Development. Important Note: Docker Daemon of Docker for Mac or Docker Toolbox already runs in a Linux VM, so you do not need to (and cannot) run it manually with dockerd. Streets of rage 4 microsoft. Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to build, run, and share applications with containers. Hauppauge wintv 7 serial number. Rossing science of sound pdf download windows 10. A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. $ cd /var/run $ sudo ln -s /var/run/docker/netns netns $ sudo ip netns be663feced43 6e9de12ede80 2-8vty8k3pej 1-f1nvcluv1x 72df0265d4af Comparing the namespace names with the Docker swarm network IDs, we can guess that namespace ‘ 2-8vty8k3pej ‘ is used for ‘net1' network, whose ID is 8vty8k3pejm5.
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- DEBU[0265] Calling POST /v1.23/containers/create?name=c1
- DEBU[0265] form data: {'AttachStderr':false,'AttachStdin':false,'AttachStdout':false,'Cmd':['sh'],'Domainname':','Entrypoint':null,'Env':[],'HostConfig':{'AutoRemove':false,'Binds':null,'BlkioBps':0,'BlkioDeviceReadBps':null,'BlkioDeviceReadIOps':null,'BlkioDeviceWriteBps':null,'BlkioDeviceWriteIOps':null,'BlkioIOps':0,'BlkioWeight':0,'BlkioWeightDevice':null,'CapAdd':null,'CapDrop':null,'Cgroup':','CgroupParent':','ConsoleSize':[0,0],'ContainerIDFile':','CpuCount':0,'CpuPercent':0,'CpuPeriod':0,'CpuQuota':0,'CpuShares':0,'CpusetCpus':','CpusetMems':','Devices':[],'DiskQuota':0,'Dns':[],'DnsOptions':[],'DnsSearch':[],'ExtraHosts':null,'GroupAdd':null,'IpcMode':','Isolation':','KernelMemory':0,'Links':null,'LogConfig':{'Config':{},'Type':'},'Memory':0,'MemoryReservation':0,'MemorySwap':0,'MemorySwappiness':-1,'NetworkMode':'demo','OomKillDisable':false,'OomScoreAdj':0,'PidMode':','PidsLimit':0,'PortBindings':{},'Privileged':false,'PublishAllPorts':false,'ReadonlyRootfs':false,'RestartPolicy':{'MaximumRetryCount':0,'Name':'no'},'SandboxSize':0,'SecurityOpt':null,'ShmSize':0,'StorageOpt':null,'UTSMode':','Ulimits':null,'UsernsMode':','VolumeDriver':','VolumesFrom':null},'Hostname':','Image':'alpine','Labels':{},'NetworkingConfig':{'EndpointsConfig':{}},'OnBuild':null,'OpenStdin':true,'StdinOnce':false,'Tty':true,'User':','Volumes':{},'WorkingDir':'}
- DEBU[0265] container mounted via layerStore: /var/lib/docker/296608.296608/aufs/mnt/90df06068fac304793bdaa57204e7b7b1da70de500023788ac61c46db71946e0
- DEBU[0265] Calling POST /v1.23/containers/35600e201ecbd508b254b42b701ca96386182e274894d62478f14819f71aea38/start
- DEBU[0265] container mounted via layerStore: /var/lib/docker/296608.296608/aufs/mnt/90df06068fac304793bdaa57204e7b7b1da70de500023788ac61c46db71946e0
- DEBU[0265] Assigning addresses for endpoint c1's interface on network demo
- DEBU[0265] RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[])
- DEBU[0265] Assigning addresses for endpoint c1's interface on network demo
- DEBU[0265] Allocating IPv4 pools for network docker_gwbridge (1d3362ae7a767e90652d7feb46f79d61fdfbfe002457a19fe9391ab8bbade309)
- DEBU[0265] RequestPool(LocalDefault, , , map[], false)
- DEBU[0265] RequestAddress(LocalDefault/, , map[])
- DEBU[0265] Received user event name:jl 752d6d03b04fd1a10626cfbc663080034efca3786af8cc679964a43bcfeb28b3 81a0074432fa02a51a190c91f5144167dd124e82b02e69a8cc90ab5c00385f07, payload:join 02:42:0a:00:00:02
- DEBU[0265] Parsed data = 752d6d03b04fd1a10626cfbc663080034efca3786af8cc679964a43bcfeb28b3/81a0074432fa02a51a190c91f5144167dd124e82b02e69a8cc90ab5c00385f07/
- DEBU[0265] Setting bridge mac address to 02:42:8f:50:4b:fc
- DEBU[0265] Assigning address to bridge interface docker_gwbridge:
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -C POSTROUTING -s ! -o docker_gwbridge -j MASQUERADE]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s ! -o docker_gwbridge -j MASQUERADE]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -C DOCKER -i docker_gwbridge -j RETURN]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -I DOCKER -i docker_gwbridge -j RETURN]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -D FORWARD -i docker_gwbridge -o docker_gwbridge -j ACCEPT]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t filter -C FORWARD -i docker_gwbridge -o docker_gwbridge -j DROP]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -A FORWARD -i docker_gwbridge -o docker_gwbridge -j DROP]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t filter -C FORWARD -i docker_gwbridge ! -o docker_gwbridge -j ACCEPT]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -I FORWARD -i docker_gwbridge ! -o docker_gwbridge -j ACCEPT]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t filter -C FORWARD -o docker_gwbridge -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -I FORWARD -o docker_gwbridge -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -C PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -C PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -C OUTPUT -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER ! --dst]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t nat -C OUTPUT -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER ! --dst]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t filter -C FORWARD -o docker_gwbridge -j DOCKER]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -I FORWARD -o docker_gwbridge -j DOCKER]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t filter -C FORWARD -j DOCKER-ISOLATION]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -D FORWARD -j DOCKER-ISOLATION]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -I FORWARD -j DOCKER-ISOLATION]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t filter -C DOCKER-ISOLATION -i docker_gwbridge -o docker0 -j DROP]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -I DOCKER-ISOLATION -i docker_gwbridge -o docker0 -j DROP]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -t filter -C DOCKER-ISOLATION -i docker0 -o docker_gwbridge -j DROP]
- DEBU[0265] /sbin/iptables, [--wait -I DOCKER-ISOLATION -i docker0 -o docker_gwbridge -j DROP]
- DEBU[0265] releasing IPv4 pools from network docker_gwbridge (1d3362ae7a767e90652d7feb46f79d61fdfbfe002457a19fe9391ab8bbade309)
- DEBU[0265] ReleaseAddress(LocalDefault/,
- DEBU[0265] ReleasePool(LocalDefault/
- WARN[0265] Could not rollback container connection to network demo
- DEBU[0265] Received user event name:jl 752d6d03b04fd1a10626cfbc663080034efca3786af8cc679964a43bcfeb28b3 81a0074432fa02a51a190c91f5144167dd124e82b02e69a8cc90ab5c00385f07, payload:leave 02:42:0a:00:00:02
- DEBU[0265] Parsed data = 752d6d03b04fd1a10626cfbc663080034efca3786af8cc679964a43bcfeb28b3/81a0074432fa02a51a190c91f5144167dd124e82b02e69a8cc90ab5c00385f07/
- DEBU[0265] Releasing addresses for endpoint c1's interface on network demo
- DEBU[0265] ReleaseAddress(GlobalDefault/,
- failed to umount /var/lib/docker/296608.296608/containers/35600e201ecbd508b254b42b701ca96386182e274894d62478f14819f71aea38/shm: no such file or directory
- ERRO[0265] Handler for POST /v1.23/containers/35600e201ecbd508b254b42b701ca96386182e274894d62478f14819f71aea38/start returned error: error creating external connectivity network: cannot restrict inter-container communication: please ensure that br_netfilter kernel module is loaded